Phone number
Date of birth
Name of educational institution at the main place of work
What age group do you prefer to work with?
Do you have any extracurricular activities at your place of work? If so, what textbooks do you use?
What characteristics play a key role when you choose a particular textbook for extracurricular activities in English? Rank the following criteria from the most important (1) to the least important (6) ones:
- Does the content correspond to the aims of studying (“should teach the language”, prepare for the Russian State exam or other exams, etc.) |
- Novelty and innovation (correspondence to modern technical requirements: classware, iTools, cyber homework, etc.) |
- Aesthetically pleasing (attractive cover and inner design of textbooks, colourful illustrations, etc.) |
- Quality and reputation (well-known brand, popularity, well-known authors, reputable colleagues use it) |
- Availability of supplementary materials (a particular quantity of hours on each unit, ability to expand or shorten the syllabus by means of supplementary material) |
- The costof the books (the price is less than the tolerable limit, gratis (package for a teacher/instructor) |
How long have you been working as a teacher?
What is your employment status as a teacher?
Thinking of your own professional development needs, please indicate the extent to which you have such needs in each of the areas listed.
Please mark one choice in each row.